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发布时间: 2024-05-17 10:20:09北京青年报社官方账号

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"Financial regulators' tolerance of higher NPL ratios for SME loans will also motivate commercial banks' lending," he added. "The challenge is how to precisely assess SMEs' financial risks and to prevent fraud based on limited information. Utilization of big data and advanced technology such as AI may be the key."

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"Growth continues to improve in terms of structure and quality, indicating that China has made strong progress in rebalancing the economy," said Zhou, who stressed that the financial regulator's battle to lower the debt burden had shown some results but was still in the "early stages".

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"Fintech offers career opportunities to people with experience in almost every area of banking and financial services, as well as experts in artificial intelligence, biometrics, cloud and big data," Lance said.


"From rhetoric to reality, topics being discussed and debated during the WIC are increasingly extensive and profound. The event offers enterprises a glimpse of more opportunities and how global internet is facilitating high-quality development," he said.


"Giant pandas are an international symbol of endangered wildlife and hope, and with the birth of this precious cub we are thrilled to offer the world a much-needed moment of pure joy," zoo Director Steve Monfort said in a statement.


